Welcome to Flatland Acres

Growing up on a farm and being around cattle my whole life is what inspired the Miller's to raise Registered Angus cattle. In 1996 we bought our first herd of Angus cows starting out as a cow calf producer. Our original herd was sold in 2009. We came back in 2015 to the Angus breed as a small breeder calving 30-40 cows with quality in mind over quantity. Our focus is on real world maternal cattle, selecting traits on docility, carcass, and the claw and angle score which we believe is the foundation for all the other traits combined for profitable Angus cattle. We live in Shreve, central Ohio, 20 minute drive from the CAB headquarters, in Wooster, OH on a second generation farm consisting of approx 100 acres that was purchased by my parents in 1966 and renting an additional 50 acres where we raise our hay and corn silage. We sell our bulls privately each spring, heifers are primarily offered for sale after calving into our herd. Stop in and visit the next time you are in Ohio. We love to talk Angus.

— John & Naomi Miller Family